Journal Articles

Review Articles

Special Volumes

Publications by WAXI Team

  1. Amponsah, P.O., Salvi, S., Béziat, D., Jessell, M., Siebenaller, L., Baratoux, L. 2015. Geology and geochemistry of the shear-hosted Julie gold deposit, NW Ghana.  J. Afr. Earth Sci. 112, 505-523.
  2. Amponsah, P.O., Salvi, S., Didier, D., Baratoux, L., Siebenaller, L., Jessell, M.W., Nude, P.M., Gyawu, E.A. 2016. Multistage gold mineralization in the Wa-Lawra greenstone belt, NW Ghana; The Bepkong deposit, J. Afr. Earth Sci.120, 220-237.
  3. Amponsah, P.O., Béziat, D., Salvi, S., Baratoux, L., Nude, P.M., Nyarko, R.S., Jessell, M.W. 2016. The Bepkong Gold deposit, NW, Ghana. Ore Geology Reviews. 78, 718-723.
  4. Arhin, E., Zango, S.M. 2015. Unravelling regolith material types using Mg/Al and K/Al plot to support field regolith identification in the savannah regions of NW
    Ghana, West Africa. J. Afr. Earth Sci.
  5. Arhin, E., Jenkin, G.R.T., Cunningham, D., Nude, P. 2015. Regolith mapping of deeply weathered terrain in savannah regions of the Birimian Lawra Greenstone Belt, Ghana. Journal of Geochemical Exploration,  159, 194–207.
  6. Ba, Moussa, Mohammed Jaffal, Khalidou Lo, Nasrrddine Youbi, Mohamed El Mokhtar Dahmada, Hassan Ibouh, Moulay Ahmed Boumehdi, Tahar Aïfa, Massinissa Amara, Mark Jessell, Richard E. Ernst, Mohamed Khalil Bensalah, Ulf Söderlund, 2020, Mapping mafic dyke swarms, structural features, and hydrothermal alteration zones in Atar, Ahmeyim and Chami areas (Reguibat Shield, Northern Mauritania) using high-resolution aeromagnetic and gamma-ray spectrometry data,Journal of African Earth Sciences, 163, 103749
  7. Ballo, I., Hein, K.A.A., Guindo, B., Sanogo, L.,  Ouologuem, Y., Daou, G., Traore, A. 2016. The syama and tabakoroni goldfields, Mali. Ore Geology Reviews.
  8. Baratoux, D., Fall, M., Meslin, P.-Y.,  Jessell, M. W., Vanderhaeghe, O., Moyen, J.-F., et al. (2021). The impact of measurement scale on the univariate statistics of K, Th, and U in the Earth crust. Earth and Space Science, 8, e2021EA001786.
  9. Baratoux, L., Metelka, V., Naba, S., Jessell, M. W., Grégoire, M., & Ganne, J. 2011. Juvenile Paleoproterozoic crust evolution during the Eburnean orogeny (∼2.2–2.0Ga), western Burkina Faso. Precambrian Research, 191(1-2), 18–45. doi:10.1016/j.precamres.2011.08.010
  10. Baratoux, L., Metelka, V., Naba, S., Ouiya, P., Siebenaller, L., Jessell, M.W., Nare, A., Béziat, D., Salvi, S., Franceschi, G. 2015. Tectonic evolution of the Gaoua region, Burkina Faso: implications for the mineralization.  J. Afr. Earth Sci.
  11. Baratoux, David, Cheikh Ahmadou Bamba Niang, Wolf Uwe Reimold, Marian Selorm Sapah, Mark Walter Jessell, Daniel Boamah, Gayane Faye, Sylvain Bouley, and Olivier Vanderhaeghe. 2019. Bosumtwi impact structure, Ghana: Evidence for fluidized emplacement of the ejecta. Meteoritics & Planetary Science 54, Nr 10, 2541–2556.
  12. Baratoux, L, U. Söderlund, R. E. Ernst, E. de Roever, M.W. Jessell, S. Kamo, S. Naba, S. Perrouty, V. Metelka, D. Yatte, M. Grenholm, D. P. Diallo, P. M. Ndiaye, E. Dioh, C. Cournède, M. Benoit, D. Baratoux, N. Youbi, S. Rousse and A. Bendaoud. 2019. New U–Pb Baddeleyite Ages of Mafic Dyke Swarms of the West African and Amazonian Cratons: Implication for Their Configuration in Supercontinents Through Time. In R. K. Srivastava et al. (eds.), Dyke Swarms of the World: A Modern Perspective, Springer Geology,
  13. Béziat, D., Siebenaller, L., Salvi, S., Chevalier, P. 2016. A weathered skarn-type mineralization in Ivory Coast: The Ity gold deposit. Ore Geology Reviews. 
  14. Block, S., Ganne, J., Baratoux, L., Zeh, A., Parra-Avila, L.A., Jessell, M., Ailleres, L., Siebenaller, L. 2015. Petrological and geochronological constraints on lower crust exhumation during Paleoproterozoic (Eburnean) orogeny, NW Ghana, West African craton. J. Met. Geol. doi: 10.1111/jmg.12129
  15. Block, S., Jessell, M.W., Ailleres, L., Baratoux, L., Bruguier, O., Zeh, A., Bosch, D., Caby, R., Mensah, E. 2015. Lower crust exhumation during Paleoproterozoic (Eburnean) orogeny, NW Ghana, West African Craton: interplay of coeval contractional deformation and extensional gravitational collapse. Precambrian Research.
  16. Block, S., Jessell, M.W., Ailleres, L., Baratoux, L., Bruguier, O., Zeh, A., Bosch, D., Caby, R., Sagna, R. 2016. Paleoproterozoic juvenile crust formation and stabilisation in the south-eastern West African Craton (Ghana); new insights from U-Pb-Hf zircon data and geochemistry. Precambrian Research, 287, 1-30.
  17. Bonzi, Wilédio Marc-Emile, Olivier Vanderhaeghe, Marieke Van Lichtervelde, Urbain Wenmenga, Anne-Sylvie André-Mayer, Stefano Salvi, Marc Poujol, Petrogenetic links between rare metal-bearing pegmatites and TTG gneisses in the West African Craton: The Mangodara district of SW Burkina Faso, Precambrian Research, 364, 106359
  18. Chardon, D., Grimaud, J-L., Rouby, D., Beauvais, A., Christophoul, F. 2016. Stabilization of large drainage basins over geological time scales: Cenozoic West Africa, hot spot swell growth, and the Niger River. Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst., 17, 1164–1181
  19. Chardon, D.,  Grimaud, J-L.,  Beauvais, A., Bamba, O. 2018. West African lateritic pediments: Landform-regolith evolution processes and mineral exploration pitfalls. Earth Science Reviews, 179, 124-146.
  20. Diallo, Mahamadou, Lenka Baratoux, Grégory Dufréchou, Mark Walter Jessell, Olivier Vanderhaeghe, Saïdou Ly, David Baratoux. 2020. Structure of the Paleoproterozoic Kédougou-Kéniéba Inlier (Senegal-Mali) deduced from gravity and aeromagnetic data. Journal of African Earth Sciences 162, 103732.
  21. Diene, M., Fullgraf, T., Diatta, F.,  Gloaguen, E.,  Gueye, M.,  Ndiaye, P.M. 2105 Review of the Senegalo-Malian shear zone system – Timing, kinematics and implications for possible Au mineralisation styles. J. Afr. Earth Sci.
  22. Eglinger, A., Thébaud, N., Zeh, A., Davis, J. Miller, J., Parra-Avila, L.A., Loucks, R., McCuaig, T.C., Belousova, E. 2017. New insights into the crustal growth of the Paleoproterozoic margin of the Archean Kéména-Man domain, West African craton (Guinea): Implications for gold mineral systemPrecambrian Research 292 (2017) 258–289.
  23. Fall, Makhoudia, David Baratoux, Papa Moussa Ndiaye, Mark Jessell, Lenka Baratoux. 2018. Multi-scale distribution of Potassium. Thorium and Uranium in Paleoproterozoic granites from eastern Senegal. Journal of African Earth Sciences 148, 30-51. 
  24. Fall, Makhoudia, David Baratoux, Mark Jessell, Papa Moussa Ndiaye, Oliver Vanderhaeghe, Jean François Moyen, Lenka Baratoux, Wilédio Marc-Emile Bonzi, The redistribution of thorium, uranium, potassium by magmatic and hydrothermal processes versus surface processes in the Saraya Batholith (Eastern Senegal): Insights from airborne radiometrics data and topographic roughness, Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 219, 106633, 2020.
  25. Feng, X., Gerbault, M., Martin, R., Ganne, J., Jessell, M.W. 2016. 3-D numerical modelling of the influence of pre-existing faults and boundary conditions on the distribution of deformation: example of North-Western Ghana. Submitted Precambrian Research.
  26. Feng, Xiaojun, Enyuan Wang, Jérôme Ganne, Roland Martin, and Mark Jessell. 2019. The exhumation along the Kenyase and Ketesso shear zones in the Sefwi terrane, West African Craton: a numerical study. Geosciences Journal 23, 391-408.
  27. Feng, Xiaojun, Enyuan Wang, Prince O. Amponsah, Jérôme Ganne, Roland Martin, and Mark W. Jessell. 2019. Effect of pre-existing faults on the distribution of lower crust exhumation under extension: numerical modelling and implications for NW Ghana. Geosciences Journal, 6, 961−975,
  28. Fernie, N., Stijn Glorie, Mark W. Jessell & Alan S. Collins. 2018. Thermochronological insights into reactivation of a continental shear zone in response to Equatorial Atlantic rifting (northern Ghana). Scientific Reports. 8, 16619 
  29. Fisher, L.A., Fougerouse, D., Cleverley, J.S., Ryan, C.G., Micklethwaite, S., Halfpenny, A., Hough, R.M., Gee, M., Paterson, D., Howard, D.L., Spiers, K. 2015. Quantified multi-scale X-ray fluorescence element mapping using the Maia detector array: application to mineral deposit studies. Mineralium Deposita, 50, 665–674.
  30. Fontaine, A., Eglinger, A., Ada, K., André-Mayer, A.-S., Reisberg, L., Siebenaller, L., Le Mignot, E., Ganne, J., Poujol, M. 2016. Geology of the world-class Kiaka polyphase gold deposit, West African Craton, Burkina Faso, Journal of African Earth Sciences,
  31. Fougerouse, D., Micklethwaite, S.,Halfpenny, A., Reddy, S.M., Cliff, J.B., J. Martin, L.A., Kilburn, M., Guagliardo, P., Ulrich, S. 2016. The golden ark: arsenopyrite crystal plasticity and the retention of gold through high strain and metamorphism. Terra Nova, 28, 181-187.
  32. Fougerouse, D., Micklethwaite, S., Tomkins, A.G., Mei, Y.,  Kilburn, M.,  Guagliardo, P., Fisher, L.A., Halfpenny, A., Gee, M., Paterson, D., Howard, D.L. 2016. Gold remobilisation and formation of high grade ore shoots driven by dissolution-reprecipitation replacement and Ni substitution into auriferous arsenopyrite, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 178, 143-159,
  33. Fougerouse, D., Micklethwaite, S., Ulrich, S., Miller, J., Godel, B., Adams, D.T. McCuaig, T.C. 2017. Evidence for Two Stages of Mineralization in West Africa’s Largest Gold Deposit: Obuasi, Ghana. Economic Geology, v. 112, i. 1, p. 3-22.
  34. Ganne, J., De Andrade, V., Weinberg, R. F., Vidal, O., Dubacq, B., Kagambega, N., … Allibon, J. 2011. Modern-style plate subduction preserved in the Palaeoproterozoic West African craton. Nature Geoscience, 5(1), 60–65. doi:10.1038/ngeo1321
  35. Goldfarb, R.J., André-Mayer, A-S. 2017. West African Gold. Economic Geology, v. 112, i. 1, p. 1-2.
  36. Goldfarb, R.J., André-Mayer, A-S., Jowitt, S.M., Mudd, G.M. 2017. West Africa: The World’s Premier Paleoproterozoic Gold Province. Economic Geology, v. 112, i. 1, p. 123-143.
  37. Grenholm, Mikael . 2019. The global tectonic context of the ca. 2.27-1.96 Ga Birimian Orogen – Insights from comparative studies, with implications for supercontinent Cycles. Earth-Science Reviews 193, 260–298.
  38. Grenholm, Mikael, Mark Jessell, Nicolas Thébaud. 2019. A geodynamic model for the Paleoproterozoic (ca. 2.27–1.96 Ga) Birimian Orogen of the southern West African Craton – Insights into an evolving accretionary-collisional orogenic system. Earth-Science Reviews, 192, 138-193.
  39. Grenholm, Mikael, Mark Jessell, Nicolas Thébaud. 2019. Paleoproterozoic volcano-sedimentary series in the ca. 2.27–1.96 Ga Birimian Orogen of the southeastern West African Craton. Precambrian Research 328, 161–192.
  40. Grimaud, J.-L., Chardon, D., & Beauvais, A. 2014. Very long-term incision dynamics of big rivers. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 405, 74–84. doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2014.08.021
  41. Grimaud, J.L.,  Chardon, D.,  Metelka, V.,  Beauvais, A., Bamba, O. 2015. Neogene cratonic erosion fluxes and landform evolution processes from regional regolith mapping (Burkina Faso, West Africa).  Geomorphology.
  42. Grimaud, J.-L., Rouby, D.,  Chardon, D., Beauvais, A. 2017. Cenozoic sediment budget of West Africa and the Niger delta. Basin Research (2017) 1–18, doi: 10.1111/bre.12248
  43. Hayman, P.C., P. Bolz, G. Senyah, E. Tegan, S. Denyszyn, D.T. Murphy, M.W. Jessell. 2023. Physical and geochemical reconstruction of a 2.35–2.1 Ga volcanic arc (Toumodi Greenstone Belt, Ivory Coast, West Africa). Precambrian Research. 303. 107029. 
  44. Hein, K.A.A.,  Matsheka, I.R., Bruguier, O., Masurel, Q., Bosch, D., Caby, R., Monie, P. 2016. The Yatela gold deposit: 2 billion years in the making. Ore geology Reviews. 
  45. Hein, K.A.A., Tshibubudze, A. 2016. Manganese deposits of the Oudalan province in the northeast of Burkina Faso, and Ansongo Inlier in eastern Mali, Ore Geology Reviews,
  46. Hein, K.A.A. 2016. The Bagassi gold deposits on the eastern margin of the Houndé greenstone belt, Burkina Faso, Ore Geology Reviews,
  47. Hein, K. A. A. 2010. Succession of structural events in the Goren greenstone belt (Burkina Faso): Implications for West African tectonics. Journal of African Earth Sciences, 56(2-3), 83–94. doi:10.1016/j.jafrearsci.2009.06.002
  48. Hein, K. A. A., & Funyufunyu, T. A. 2014. Artisanal mining in Burkina Faso: A historical overview of iron ore extraction, processing and production in the Dem region. The Extractive Industries and Society. doi:10.1016/j.exis.2014.04.004
  49. Hein, Kim A.A. 2016. West African Mineral Atlas Monograph. Ore Geology Reviews, 78, 556–557.
  50. Heron, K., Jessell, M.W., Harris, E.M., Benn, K., Crawley, Q. 2016. The Tasiast Deposit. Ore Geology Reviews 10.1016/j.oregeorev.2015.08.020
  51. Jessell, M.W., Boamah, K., Duodu, J.A., Ley-Cooper, Y. 2015. Geophysical evidence for a major paleochannel within the Obosum Group of the Volta Basin, Northern Region, Ghana. J. Afr. Earth Sci.
  52. Jessell, M.W., Santoul, J., Baratoux, L., Youbi, N., Ernst, R.E., Metelka, V., Miller, J., Perrouty, S. 2015. An updated map of West African mafic dykes. J. Afr. Earth Sci. doi: 10.1016/j.jafrearsci.2015.01.007
  53. Jessell, M.W., Begg, G.C., Miller, M.S. 2016. The Geophysical Signatures of the West African Craton. Precambrian Research. 10.1016/j.precamres.2015.08.010
  54. Jessell, M.W. 2016. The West African Exploration Initiative (WAXI) – a Case Study in Development Geoscience, AusIMM Bulletin. October 2-16,
  55. Jessell, M. W., Amponsah, P. O., Baratoux, L., Asiedu, D. K., Loh, G. K., & Ganne, J. 2012. Crustal-scale transcurrent shearing in the Paleoproterozoic. Precambrian Research, 213, 155–168. doi:10.1016/j.precamres.2012.04.015
  56. Jessell, M.W., Liegeois, J.P. 2015. 100 years of research on the West African Craton.  J. Afr. Earth Sci.
  57. Jessell, M.W., Cawood, P.A., Miller, J.M. 2016. Editorial: Craton to Regional-scale analysis of the Birimian of West Africa. Precambrian Research.
  58. Jessell, M.W. 2017. The West African Exploration Initiative (WAXI): 10 years of integrated research for development. Exploration ’17. 6th Decennial International Conference on Mineral Exploration, Toronto.
  59. Jessell, M.W., Baratoux, D., Siebenaller, L., Hein, K., Maduekwe, A., Ouedraogo, M.F., Baratoux, L., Diagne, M., Cucuzza, J., Seymon, A., Sow, E.H. 2017. New Models for Geoscience Higher Education in West Africa. JAES.
  60. Koffi, A.Y., Nicolas Thébaud, Alain N. Kouamelan, Lenka Baratoux, Olivier Bruguier, Olivier Vanderhaeghe, Pavel Pitra, Anthony I.S. Kemp, Noreen J. Evans, 2022. Archean to Paleoproterozoic crustal evolution in the Sassandra-Cavally domain (Côte d’Ivoire, West Africa): Insights from Hf and U-Pb zircon analyses, Precambrian Research,  382,106875.
  61. Kone, J., O. Vanderhaeghe, F. Diatta, L. Baratoux, N. Thebaud, O. Bruguier, P.M. Ndiaye, S. Duchene P. Pitra, J. Ganne, 2020. Source and deposition age of the Dialé-Daléma metasedimentary series (Kédougou-Kéniéba Inlier, Senegal) constrained by U-Pb geochronology on detrital zircon grains. Journal of African Earth Sciences, 165,  103801.
  62. Kríbek, B., Sykorová, I., Machovic, V., Knésla, I., Laufeka, F., Jirí Zachariásd, J. 2015. The origin and hydrothermal mobilization of carbonaceous matter associated with Paleoproterozoic orogenic-type gold deposits of West Africa. Precambrian Research 270, 300–317.
  63. Kríbek, B., Zachariáš, J., Knésl, I., Míková, J., Mihaljevic, M., Veselovskýa, F., Bamba, O. 2016. Geochemistry, mineralogy, and isotope composition of Pb, Zn, and Cu in primary ores, gossan and barren ferruginous crust from the Perkoa base metal deposit, Burkina Faso. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 168, 49–64.
  64. Laboua, Ibrahama, Mathieu Benoit, Lenka Baratoux, Michel Grégoire, Papa Moussa Ndiaye, Nicolas Thebaud, Didier Béziat, Pierre Debat. 2020. Petrological and geochemical study of Birimian ultramafic rocks within the West African Craton: Insights from Mako (Senegal) and Loraboué (Burkina Faso) herzolite/harzburgite/wehrlite associations. Journal of African Earth Sciences 162, 103677.
  65. Lebrun, E. Tebaud, N.,  Miller, J.M., Ulrich, S.,  Bourget, J.,  Terblanche, O. 2016.  Geochronology and lithostratigraphy of the Siguiri district: Implications for gold mineralisation in the Siguiri Basin (Guinea, West Africa).  Precambrian Research
  66. Lebrun, E., Miller, J., Thébaud, N., Ulrich, S., McCuaig, T.C. 2017. Structural Controls on an Orogenic Gold System: The World-Class Siguiri Gold District, Siguiri Basin, Guinea, West Africa. Economic Geology, v. 112, i. 1, p. 73-98.
  67. Le Mignot, E., Siebenaller, L., Béziat, D., André-Mayer, A-S., Reisberg, L., Salvi, S., Velasquez, G., Zimmermann, C., Naré, A., Franceschi, G. 2017. The Paleoproterozoic Copper-Gold Deposits of the Gaoua District, Burkina Faso: Superposition of Orogenic Gold on a Porphyry Copper Occurrence? Economic Geology, v. 112, i. 1, p. 99-122.
  68. Le Mignot, E., Reisberg, L., André-Mayer, A-S., Bourassa, Y., Fontaine, A., Miller, J. 2017. Re-Os Geochronological Evidence for Multiple Paleoproterozoic Gold Events at the Scale of the West African Craton. Economic Geology, v. 112, i. 1, p. 145-168.
  69. Le Pape, F., Jones, A.G., Jessell, M.W., Perrouty, S., Gallardo, L.A., Baratoux, L., Hogg, C., Siebenaller, L., Touré, A., Ouiya P., Boren, G. 2017. Crustal structure of southern Burkina Faso inferred from Magnetotelluric and Gravity data, In press. Precambrian Research.
  70. Le Pape, F, A.G. Jones, M.W. Jessell, C. Hogg, L. Siebenaller, S. Perrouty, A. Touré, P. Ouiya, G. Boren, The nature of the southern West African craton lithosphere inferred from its electrical resistivity, Precambrian Research, 358, 106190
  71. Lindsay, M. D., Perrouty, S., Jessell, M. W., & Ailleres, L. 2013. Making the link between geological and geophysical uncertainty: geodiversity in the Ashanti Greenstone Belt. Geophysical Journal International, 195(2), 903–922. doi:10.1093/gji/ggt311
  72. Lindsay, M., Perrouty, S., Jessell, M., & Ailleres, L. 2014. Inversion and Geodiversity: Searching Model Space for the Answers. Mathematical Geosciences. doi:10.1007/s11004-014-9538-x
  73. Markwitz, V., Hein, K.A.A., Miller, J.M. 2016. West African Mineral Deposit Database: a review of West African mineral deposits, spatial distribution and mineral endowment. Precambrian Research. 
  74. Markwitz, V., Hein, K.A.A., Jessell, M.W., Miller, J.M. 2016. Metallogenic portfolio of the West Africa Craton, Ore Geology Reviews.
  75. Martin, R., Monteiller, V., Komatitsch, D., Perrouty, S., Jessell, M.W., Bonvalot, S., Lindsay, M. 2013. Gravity inversion using wavelet-based compression on parallel hybrid CPU/GPU systems: application to South-West Ghana. Geophys. J. Int. 195, 1594-1619, 10.1093/gji/ggt334
  76. Masurel, Q., Miller, J.M., Hein, K.A.A., Hanssen, E., Thebaud, N. Ulrich, S., Kaisin, J., Tessougue, S. 2015. The Yatela gold deposit in Mali, West Africa: The final product of a long-lived history of hydrothermal alteration and weathering. Journal of African Earth Sciences.
  77. Masurel, Q., Thébaud, N., Miller, J., Ulrich, S., Hein, K.A.A., Cameron, G., Béziat, D., Bruguier, O., Davis, J.A. 2017. Sadiola Hill: A World-Class Carbonate-Hosted Gold Deposit in Mali, West Africa. Economic Geology, v. 112, i. 1, p. 23-47.
  78. Masurel, Q., Thébaud, N., Miller, J., Ulrich, S., Roberts, M.P., Béziat, D. 2017. The Alamoutala Carbonate-Hosted Gold Deposit, Kédougou-Kénieba Inlier, West Africa. Economic Geology, v. 112, i. 1, p. 49-72.
  79. Masurel, Q., Thebaud, N., Miller, J.M., Urlich, S. 2017. The tectono-magmatic framework to gold mineralisation in the Sadiola-Yatela gold camp and implications for the paleotectonic setting of the Kédougou-Kénieba inlier, West Africa, Precambrian Research, 292, 35-56.
  80. Masurel, Q., Eglinger, A., Thébaud, N. et al. Paleoproterozoic gold events in the southern West African Craton: review and synopsis. Miner Deposita (2021).
  81. McFarlane, H.B., N. Thébaud, L.A. Parra-Avila, R. Armit, C. Spencer, J. Ganne, L. Aillères, L. Baratoux, P.G. Betts, M.W. Jessell. 2019. Onset of the supercontinent cycle: Evidence for multiple oceanic arc accretion events in the Paleoproterozoic Sefwi Greenstone Belt of the West African Craton. Precambrian Research 335, 105450
  82. McFarlane, H.B., , L. Ailleres, P. Betts, J. Ganne, L. Baratoux, M.W. Jessell, S. Block. 2019. Episodic collisional orogenesis and lower crust exhumation during the Palaeoproterozoic Eburnean Orogeny: Evidence from the Sefwi Greenstone Belt, West African Craton. Precambrian Research 325, 88–110.
  83. Mériaud, Nicolas, Quentin Masurel, Nicolas Thébaud, & Ghislain Tourigny. 2019. Fluid pressure–dominated orogenic gold mineralization under low differential stress: case of the Yaouré gold camp, Côte d’Ivoire, West Africa. Mineralium Deposita.
  84. Mériaud, N, Nicolas Thébaud, Quentin Masurel, Patrick Hayman, Mark Jessell, Anthony Kemp, Noreen J. Evans, Christopher M. Fisher, Peter M. Scott, Lithostratigraphic evolution of the Bandamian Volcanic Cycle in central Côte d’Ivoire: Insights into the late Eburnean magmatic resurgence and its geodynamic implications, Precambrian Research, 347, 105847
  85. Metelka, V., Baratoux, L., Naba, S., & Jessell, M. W. 2011. A geophysically constrained litho-structural analysis of the Eburnean greenstone belts and associated granitoid domains , Burkina Faso , West Africa. Pre, 190, 48–69. doi:10.1016/j.precamres.2011.08.002
  86. Metelka, V., Baratoux, L., Jessell, M.W., Naba, S. 2015. Visible and infrared properties of weathered to unaltered rocks from Precambrian granite greenstone terrains of the West African Craton. J. Afr. Earth Sci. 112, 570-585.
  87. Metelka, V., Baratoux, L., Jessell, M.W., Barth, A., Ježek, J., Naba, S. 2018. Regolith Landform Mapping Using Airborne Geophysics and Remote Sensing Data in a Neural Network, Burkina Faso, West Africa. In press, Remote Sensing of Environment.
  88. McCuaig, T.C., Fougerouse, D., Salvi, S., LSiebenaller, L., Parra-Avila, L.A., Seed, R., Beziat, D., Andre-Mayer A.-S. 2016. The inata deposit, belahouro district, northern Burkina Faso. Ore Geology Reviews.
  89. Ouiya, P., Siebenaller, L.,   Salvi, S., Béziat, D., Naba, S.,  Baratoux, L., Naré, A., Franceschi, G. 2016. The Nassara gold prospect, Gaoua District, southwestern Burkina Faso. Ore Geology Reviews.
  90. Parra-Avila, L.A., Bourassa, Y., Miller, J.,  Perrouty, S.,   Fiorentini, M.L.,  McCuaig, T.C. 2015. Age constraints of the Wassa and Benso mesothermal gold deposits, Ashanti Belt, Ghana, West Africa. J. Afr. Earth Sci.
  91. Parra-Avila, L.A., Kemp, A, Fiorentini, M.L., Belousova, E., Baratoux, L., Block, S.,  Jessell, M.W., Bruguier, O., Begg, G.C., Miller, J.M. 2017. The geochronological evolution of the Paleoproterozoic Baoulé-Mossi domain of the southern West African Craton. Precambrian Research,
  92. Parra-Avila, L.A., , Belousova, E.,  Fiorentini, M.L.,  Baratoux, L., Davis, J.,  Miller, J.M., McCuaig, T.C. 2016. Crustal evolution of the Paleoproterozoic Birimian terranes of the Baoulé-Mossi domain, southern West African Craton: U–Pb and Hf-isotope studies of detrital zircons, Precambrian Research, Volume 274, March, 25-60,
  93. Parra-Avila, L.A., Belousova, E., Fiorentini, M.L., Eglinger, A., Block, S., Miller. J.M. 2018. Zircon Hf and O-isotope constraints on the evolution of the Paleoproterozoic Baoulé-Mossi domain of the southern West African Craton. Precambrian Research.
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