This new three-year program follows on from Amira Global’s P934B “West African Exploration Initiative Stage 3” (WAXI 3) .
WAXI 4 officially started on the 13th of September 2022.
Companies still wishing to join the project can obtain the full WAXI 4 proposal from Hayley McGillivray at Amira Global

Geographic Scope
The whole of the Leo-Man Shield and its immediate surroundings; includes the following countries:
- Benin
- Cote d’Ivoire
- Burkina Faso
- Ghana
- Guinea
- Mali
- Liberia
- Morocco
- Mauritania
- Niger
- Senegal
- Sierra Leone
- Togo

Key Objectives
WAXI 4 aims at furthering the work from the earlier stages of the WAXI program to unravel the making of mineral systems not only in the Birimian terranes, but also in the neighbouring Archean, Pan-African Meso-Proterozoic and Phanerozoic basins. The key overarching philosophy will be to characterise and evaluate the role of both the lithospheric and crustal architecture on the development of mineral systems through time. Just as the Archean may provide insights into the early architecture of the Birimian; we can study the Pan-African in the context of how Birimian systems.
- Reduce data and information gaps relevant to mineral exploration geoscience, in particular in tectonics, geophysics, geochemistry, geochronology, and regolith evolution.
- Build upon and maintain an Exploration GIS combining existing and newly assembled datasets.
- Assist exploration companies in focusing their activities in areas of maximum prospectivity in both greenfields and brownfields areas.
- Assist local governments and Geological Surveys in the region in their role of providing pre-competitive data and information, beyond which point the exploration industry takes over.
- Maximise the collaborative involvement of local researchers and students, and ensure the proper transfer of knowledge, supported by training as appropriate, to local geoscientists to enable them to support the future requirements of the exploration and mining industry.
Why are companies supporting WAXI 4?
This project benefits sponsor companies undertaking active exploration in West Africa, regardless of commodity. It provides sponsors with:
- Immediate access to 15 years of geoscientific data from WAXI Programs 1-3, in the form of a 650Gb GIS database of exploration data
- First access to the latest ideas on the formation and reworking of the West African Craton and its margins in the context of mineralisation.
- Support for the next generation of company, academic and government personnel, thanks to the Capacity Building program.
- Preferential access to custom professional courses for their staff, using the latest techniques and ideas and based on local datasets.
- Immediate access to 15 years of geoscientific data from WAXI Programs 1-3, in the form of a 650Gb GIS database of exploration data
- First access to the latest ideas on the formation and reworking of the West African Craton and its margins in the context of mineralisation.
- Support for the next generation of company, academic, and government personnel, thanks to the Capacity Building program.
- Preferential access to custom professional courses for their staff, using the latest techniques and ideas and based on local datasets.
WAXI 4 Industry Sponsors
- Aura Energy
- Anglo Gold Ashanti
- Barrick Gold
- Centamin
- Endeavour Mining
- Koulou Gold
- Gold Field
- Managem
- Newmont
- Perseus Mining
- Resolute
WAXI 4 Geological Survey Partners
- BUMIGEB, Burkina Faso
- Centre de Recherche Géologique et Minière, Niger
- Direction de Prospection et de la Promotion Minière, Sénégal
- Service Géologique National du Sénégal (SGNS)
- Direction Générale des Mines et de la Géologie, Togo
- Direction Nationale de la Recherche Géologique, Ministère des Mines et de la Géologie, Guinea
- Geological Survey of Sierra Leone, Sierra Leone
- Ghana Geological Survey Authority, Ghana
- ANARPAM – National Agency for Geological Research and Mining Properties, Mauritania
WAXI 4 Research Team
ABASS Abdoulatif Saley – École des mines, de l’industrie et de la gĂ©ologie (EMIG), Niamey
ADINGRA Martial Pohn Koffi – UniversitĂ© FĂ©lix HouphouĂ«t Boigny, Abidjan
ADJO Bruno – University of Ibaban, Benin
AGBETSOAMENDO Jennifer Edzordzinam – University of Ghana, Accra
AGBOSSOUMONDE Yao – University of Lome
ALLIALY Marc – UniversitĂ© FĂ©lix HouphouĂ«t Boigny, Abidjan
AMPONSAH Prince Ofori – University of Ghana, Accra
ANANI Chris Yao – University of Ghana, Accra
ANDRE-MAYER Anne-Sylvie – University of Lorraine, Nancy
ANGERER Thomas – Innsbruck University
ASIEDU Daniel Kwadwo – University of Ghana, Accra
ATTA-PETERS David – University of Ghana, Accra
AYKWEI – Abigail Enyonam – University of Ghana, Accra
BALLOUARD Christophe – University of Lorraine, Nancy
BARATOUX Lenka – IRD, Toulouse, Abidjan
BARATOUX David – IRD, Toulouse, Abidjan
BENOIT Mathieu – CNRS, Toulouse
BERGER JulienUni- versity of Paul Sabatier, Toulouse
BOUILHOL Pierre – University of Lorraine, Nancy
BOYA Lionel – UniversitĂ© FĂ©lix HouphouĂ«t Boigny, Abidjan
BULLStuart – University of Tasmania, Hobart
COULIBALY Yacouba – University Nangui Abrogoua, Abidjan
COULIBALY Inza – UniversitĂ© FĂ©lix HouphouĂ«t Boigny, Abidjan
DEBAT Corinne – University of Western Australia, CET, Perth
DIALLO Mahamadou – Ecole Nationale d’Ingenieurs Abderhamane Baba TourĂ©, Bamako
DIENE Mahamadane – Institut des Sciences de la Terre, UCAD, Dakar
DIENE Rokhaya Samba – Ministry of Mines and Geology of Republic of Senegal, Dakar
DUCLAUX Guillaume – University Nice-Sophia-Antipolis, Nice
EGLINGER Aurelien – University of Lorraine, Nancy
FALL Makhoudia – University of Cheikh Anta Diop, Dakar
FISHER Chris – University of Western Australia, CET, Perth
FOSSOU Jean Kouadio – UniversitĂ© FĂ©lix HouphouĂ«t Boigny, Abidjan
GIRAUD Jeremie – University of Western Australia, CET, Perth
GLODJI Luc G Adissin – UniversitĂ© d’Abomey-Calavi
GOODENOUGH Kathryn – British Geological Survey
GOUEDJI Gnamba Franck Emmanuel – University of Man, Man
HASSANE Bouba – University Abdou Moumouni, Niamey
HAYMAN Patrick – Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane
HEIN Kim – Consultant
JESSELL Mark – University of Western Australia, CET, Perth
KEMP Anthony – University of Western Australia, CET, Perth
KOFFI Augustin Yao – Perseus Mining
KONE Jacques – Endeavour Mining
KOUAME Loukou Nicolas – UniversitĂ© FĂ©lix HouphouĂ«t Boigny, Abidjan
KOUAMELAN Alain – UniversitĂ© FĂ©lix HouphouĂ«t Boigny, Abidjan
KWAYISI Daniel – University of Ghana, Accra
LABOU Ibrahima – University of Cheikh Anta Diop, Dakar
LAURENT Oscar – CNRS, Toulouse
MERCADIER Julien – University of Lorraine, Nancy
NABA Seta – University of Joseph Ki Zerbo, Ouagadougou
NDIAYE Papa Moussa – University of Cheikh Anta Diop, Dakar
NUNOO Samuel – University of Ghana, Accra
ORD Alison – University of Western Australia, CET, Perth
OUATTARA Gbele – University Nangui Abrogoua, Abidjan
OUATTARA Zie – Institut national polytechnique FĂ©lix HouphouĂ«t-Boigny, Yamoussoukro
OUATTARAÂ Aboubacar Sidik – University of Man, Man
OUEDRAOGO Morou Francois TTGeo, Ouagadougou
OUEDRAOGO Moussa University of Man, Man
PERRET Julien –Â University of Western Australia, CET, Perth
PERROUTY Stephane – Laurentian University
PITRA Pavel – Universitty of Rennes
REISBERG Laurie – University of Lorraine, Nancy
SALVI Stefano – CNRS, Toulouse
SAPAH Marian Sertom – University of Ghana, Accra
TAIROU Sani M. – University of Lome
THEBAUD Nicolas -University of Western Australia, CET, Perth
TRAORE Yolande – University of Sciences, Techniques and Technologies of Bamako
TSHIBUBUDZE Asinne – Council for Geoscience
VAN LICHTERVELDE Marieke – IRD, Toulouse
VAN RUITENBEEK Frank – University of Twete, Enschede
VANDERHAEGHE Olivier – University of Paul Sabatier, Toulouse
VELASQUEZ German – University fo Chile, Santiago de Chile
WANE Ousmane – University of Sciences, Techniques and Technologies of Bamako
YOSSI Mamadou – Sagax Afrique SA
Your WAXI 4 contacts:
UWA: Mark Jessell – AMIRA: Hayley McGillivray